fossil treesの例文
- The fossil tree trunk displayed in the garden is from 20 million years old.
- Fossil tree trunks and other plant fossils are often found in the rocks above coal beds.
- High in the Andes he saw seashells, and several fossil trees that had grown on a sand beach.
- Sir William Edmond Logan, first director of the Geological Survey of Canada discovered some fossil trees near the base of the falls.
- The fossil tree was presented by the Geological Survey of India, from the National Fossil Park, Tiruvakkarai, South Arcot district, Tamil Nadu.
- The fossil tree horizon extends at least as far as the coast, where it can be found a little to the south of Catherine Hill Bay.
- Retallack ( 1981, 1997 ) has published pictures and diagrams of the Yellowstone upright fossil trees having intact root systems developed within paleosols found within these strata.
- A similar discovery was made in the Blue Mountains west of Sydney in 1994, when botanists discovered a stand of living fossil trees known as the Wollemi Pines.
- Trees carried by rivers and deposited in inland lakes were transformed with replacement of the woody matter by silica give rise to fossil tree trunks ( see Polystrate fossil ).
- During the course of his second exploration of the cliffs with Charles Lyell in 1852, he discovered the remains of a tetrapod named Dendrerpeton entombed within a fossil tree.
- The Chirundu Petrified Forest is an area of fossil trees 21 km west of Chirundu, lying just south of the Chirundu-Lusaka road near the Kariba turn-off.
- "Tietea singularis " is also seen abundantly in the Motuca Formation, Natural monument, the Monumento Natural das 羠vores Fossilizadas-MONAF ( Tocantins Fossil Trees Natural Monument ).
- ""'Zamites " "'is a genus of fossil tree known from the Mesozoic of North America, Europe and India through the Oligocene of North America.
- In addition, the news article also stated that tree rings were found in sections of these rock formations and, as a result, they were judged to be fossil trees or tree roots.
- Over the years, he continued his exploration of the fossil trees, eventually unearthing the oldest known reptile in the history of life, which he named Hylonomus lyelli in honour of his mentor.
- "' Petrified Forest Park "'where some of the world's largest fossil trees are preserved ( the longest one is up to 72 m or about 236 feet long ).
- Geologists who have long studied upright fossils found in sedimentary rocks exposed in various outcrops for decades . have described the upright fossil trees as being deeply rooted in place and typically rooted in recognizable paleosols.
- ""'Hirmeriella " "'is a genus of fossil tree, a conifer that was widespread in Late Triassic and Early Jurassic of Germany, the UK, and Poland.
- There is a National Cycle Network " fossil tree " milepost ( designed by John Mills ) in the section of the Loop between Broom Lane and Stockport Road, and Sustrans murals underneath the former railway bridges at Stockport Road and Wellington Road.
- The village has a SSSI within it, created in 1990, it is the site of the Wadsley Fossil Forest, it " contains a number of in situ fossil tree stumps, two of which have been exposed for many years.